Súkromna gynekologická ambulancia Women`s Health
  • Vyšetrenie priechodnosti vajíčkovodov

Sexual Health Package

Women who want to check their sexual health in field of sexually transmitted diseases as necessary , but usually before embarking on a new relationship
A part of the package is examination of HPV (Human papillomavirus). Test allows confirm/disprove of HR- HPV (high- risk HPV) in the cervical mucosa, which in case of positive finding could be the cause of cervical cancer.

What does it involve?

- Consultation

- Abdominal and pelvic examination

- Test for STD including

HBsAg, anti-HCV, HIV, syf., Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA PCR , HPV DNA

Cena celkom: 180 EUR