Súkromna gynekologická ambulancia Women`s Health
  • Vyšetrenie priechodnosti vajíčkovodov


Examination at the request of the patient

Complete gynaecological examinantion of a patient without health insurance or non- relevant patient (consultation, a pelvic examination, cervical smear + HPV, pelvic ultrasoun scan,breast examination, final report )
( note: + additional cost of laboratory examinations (if needed) according to laboratory price list )
100 €
Pelvic Transvaginal or Transabdominal Ultrasound Scan30 €
Hormonal profile50 €
Hormonal profile enhanced + AMH (test of ovarian reserve)115 €
Hormonal Contraception – counseling15 €
Blood tests before contraception70€
Blood tests during contraceptive use35€
IUD Insertion60 €
IUD extraction10 €
Menstrual shift without medical indication15 €
Material LBC30 €
Small chirurgical procedure,20 €
Examination to confirm pregnancy at the patient´s request30 €
Oral glucose tolerance test15 €
Cardiotocography20 €
ACTIM PROM test -preterm rupture of membranes test20 €
Single use speculum 2 €
Local vulva treatment20 €
Collection of biological material at the patient´s request10 € / 1 test-tube
Counseling, Consultation without medical indication15 €


USG in pregnancy30 €
HyCoSy - Sonographic tubal patency test150 €
Foliculometria30 €
First Trimester Nuchal Transluscency Scan (11. -13+6 weeks)70 €
Second Trimester Anomaly Scan (18.-22. Weeks)70 €
Wellbeing Scan including Dopplers/ Fetal Growth Scan including Dopplers (about 28 + weeks of pregnancy )
70 €
Cervical Scan (to assess the risk of premature birth)10 €
3D/4D Scan60 €
Fetal photo 3D/4D / Export images and videosequences to USB 10 €

Non-invasive prenatal tests

TRISOMY test350 €
TRISOMY test XY390 €
TRISOMY test +450€
TRISOMY test Complete 530 €
BabyGen120 €

Administrative activities

Client management35 € / year
Issuing medical confirmation 10 €
Medical reports for commercial purposes10 €
Request for interruptuion50 €