Súkromna gynekologická ambulancia Women`s Health
  • Vyšetrenie priechodnosti vajíčkovodov

Fertility Package

Women at the age of 30, 35 and 40 who want to test their fertility potential or if there is any delay in conceiving.

What does it involve?

- Consultation

- Abdominal and pelvic examination

- Transvaginal ultrasound scan

- Blood Test including hormonal profile + AMH (test of ovarian reserve)
Bioch: FSH, LH, PROG, PRL, E2, TSH, fT4, TST, free TST, SHBG, FAI, DHEAS, 17-OH prog, AMH

- Pre- conception advice

Total Price: 135 EUR

The following test can be added to a fertility health check an additional cost:
- Infection profile
- Cervical smear & HPV
- HyCoSy scan- Sonographic tubal patency test (Exem foam)

Note: The examination is at the patient´s request and is paid by the patient